We are pleased to announce that Germany has provided EUR 148 million as a new contribution to GAFSP in response to the global food crisis. We thank Germany for this new support, bringing its total contributions to GAFSP in 2022 to EUR 200 million. These funds will help strengthen our Program and respond to the increased financing demand from countries that face a major food crisis.
This important contribution comes following the launch of the Global Alliance for Food Security (GAFS). This crucial initiative, jointly convened by the German Group of Seven (G7) Presidency and the World Bank Group, aims to combat the hunger crisis that is threatening the world. GAFSP works in close synergy with the Global Alliance, which was set up to deliver a swift, effective, and sustainable joint response to the food crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine. GAFSP serves as a key mechanism to reinforce food security in-country dialogues highlighted by the GAFS.
In fact, the Seventh Call for Proposals (made possible by Germany鈥檚 contribution along with other donors) is in complete alignment with the GAFS. It contributes to the mobilization of funding to overcome the current crisis and enable the long-term transformation of global agri-food systems towards more resilience and sustainability. The current Call consists of two parts: the first part is dedicated to Country-led proposals (CO-Call), closed in December 2022 with allocations to be decided by the GAFSP Steering Committee in March 2023. The second part will be dedicated to a Producer Organization-led Call for Proposals to be launched in February 2023. Proposals.
