·¬ÇÑÉçÇø the Project
This MMI project seeks to increase the production and processing of niébé, a highly nutritious crop that is an important component of the Malian diet. Through quality control, increased mechanization, training, and facilitating access to financial services, the targeted farmers’ organizations are better prepared to provide quality rice and niébé sold by their farmers. Farmer organizations receive support to purchase and use rice production and processing facilities to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of rice cultivation. In 2020, the project received additional funding for a medium- to long-term response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which was used to strengthen the capacities of the project’s producer organization partners in marketing and buying new equipment, specifically by establishing, animating, and monitoring school fields and broadcasting of radio messages on the technical itineraries of good farming practices.

- Mali

Project Status
Supervising entity

Call Year
GAFSP Funding Amount
As of December 2021, the project has benefitted 14,647 people, five producer organizations, and 82,535 hectares of land with improved production support. In total, 210 grassroots associations or cooperatives have gained access to a total cumulative volume of FCFA 1.3 billion in production and marketing credits, of which 36% were for women's grassroots associations. Through the project, the PO were able to access the corresponding of $475,000 in funding through the revolving funds managed by SOCODEVI, thanks also to the support of partner financial institutions. Moreover, the project has made notable improvements in rice yields and has reduced post-harvest breakage and humidity in the two implementation sites. To improve rice paddy production, the project has been implementing and monitoring 24 school fields; has broadcasted good agricultural practices by radio to 51,500 farmers; has set up a cowpea processing center, particularly for women producers; and has created 10 field schools run by trained producers.
Giorgio Sirtori
Ibrahima Diallo