·¬ÇÑÉçÇø the Project
Multiple shocks across West Africa, largely induced by agricultural risks, have made food scarcer and more expensive and have increased malnutrition. In 2021, approximately 27 million West Africans needed immediate food assistance due to a combination of drought, poverty, high cereal prices, environmental degradation, displacement, poor trade integration, and conflict. Sobering predictions of more-frequent extreme weather events, coupled with agricultural productivity that is not keeping pace with population growth, means long-term sustainable development is under threat.
The $24 million will improve the food and nutrition security status of vulnerable groups through the dissemination of selected high-performing agricultural technology and value chains that promote decent job creation in rural areas. FSRP supports the second phase of Burkina Faso’s National Rural Sector Program, targeting 125 communes in nine regions, chosen for their high agricultural potential and relatively favorable climate conditions, impacting an estimated 300,000 poor people, including 120,000 women and 30,000 youth. Increasing agricultural productivity by adopting improved agricultural technologies, such as drought- and pest-resistant seed varieties, composting and erosion-control techniques, and livestock and poultry feeding technologies, will increase feed production and crop yields. Interventions also aim to improve the crops’ and vegetables’ nutritional quality, providing marketing assistance, empowering rural farmers to use various technologies that reduce livestock and feed expenditures while improving the quality of food and dietary intake, and creating jobs.

- Burkina Faso

Project Status
Supervising entity
- World Bank

Call Year
GAFSP Funding Amount
Results are yet available because the project is still under preparation.
Katie Kennedy Freeman