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Responding to crisis with a long-term view
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Transforming Food Systems: Investing in Producer Organizations, Innovative Approaches to Support Smallholder Farmers
This event will highlight the importance and the advantage of investing in producer organizations to enable their members to become their own change agents, enabling them to make effective decisions about their businesses and improve their livelihoods.
Fact Sheet: 2022 Call for Proposals to Accelerate Food Systems Resilience
GAFSP will launch a new Call for Proposals in 2022 to provide grant financing to assist low-income countries and smallholder farmers, to mitigate the impacts of the current food security crisis while also supporting efforts to build resilient and sustainable food systems.
Supporting Smallholders During Crises in Honduras
In Honduras, IFC advisory services with the support of GAFSP helped Cadelga create an agrifinance unit that provides loans to smallholders in the form of fertilizer, seeds, and irrigation technology.
Towards Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Agriculture Development in Nepal
Gurung is just one of the 60,689 direct beneficiaries of the project who were affected by the 2015 Nepal earthquake and the frequently occurring natural disasters and climate-related impacts.