·¬ÇÑÉçÇø the Project
In Mali, a landlocked Sahel country vulnerable to weather conditions, 77% of the population lives in rural areas, and 46% are below 15 years old. The economy is largely based on agriculture –around 40% of GDP– sustained mainly by the subsistence farming and livestock sub-sectors, as well as the building and trade sub-sectors. Poverty remains an essentially rural phenomenon, and 22% of the population lived in extreme poverty in 2010, with farmers being the poorest. Overall, these people are unable to meet basic nutritional needs, with undernourishment affecting 4% of the population.
GAFSP invests $37.2 million to support water control, improve farm productivity, and build capacity for local authorities and farmer organizations. PReSAN-KL sustainably increases rice and vegetable crop production and productivity while improving incomes through water management and agricultural product development. The project focuses on increased agricultural output, infrastructure for drinking water, improved health and education, and improved capacity of local communities and authorities, professional organizations, and technical service providers. Capacity development strengthens women’s and young people’s participation and organization skills. A nutrition component helps prevent malnutrition and promote health and nutrition by preventing the resurgence of waterborne diseases; increasing and diversifying agricultural production; establishing women’s groups of culinary demonstrations; constructing, rehabilitating, and equipping health centers; improving dispensaries; and producing fortified foods and supplements made from local products.

- Mali

Project Status
Supervising entity
- AfDB

Call Year
GAFSP Funding Amount
As of December 2021, the project has benefitted 158,000 people, 58% of whom are women. PReSAN-KL also has provided farmers, community members, and other target groups with 178,000 client days of extension services. Nutrition services and products have been accessed by 12,641 people, and 7,610 hectares of land have been improved through new irrigation and drainage services. Construction of 102 kilometers of roads and establishment of 13 rural markets and market centers has provided communities with greater market access and income-generating potential.
Mouldi Tarhouni
Rebecca Dadzie