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Female farmer in Mauritania

Promotion of Gender-sensitive Agricultural Value Chains and Women's Entrepreneurship in Support of the Program to Support Agricultural Transformation in Mauritania (PCVASGEF-PATAM)

Photo: 漏 James Martone/ World Bank

番茄社区 the Project

In Mauritania, an investment of US$17 million will contribute to the improvement of food and nutrition security and the living conditions of the target populations in the regions of Brakna and Trarza. The expected project objective is to increase productivity, add value to agricultural products and support the empowerment and promotion of entrepreneurship of women and girls. In order to achieve its objectives, the PCVASGEF project will emphasize the economic empowerment of women and girls and the promotion of female entrepreneurship. Specifically, the project will develop women鈥檚 market gardening areas, fodder reserves, and the construction of feeder roads, among other activities to support structural and resilient facilities. Additionally, the project will develop value chains and entrepreneurship of youth and women by constructing irrigated platforms, vegetable packaging, and storage units, help build the technical and management capacity of women cooperatives, as well as support the establishment of off-ground nursery techniques and greenhouses. 

The project will target mainly women farmers and young people who are potential entrepreneurs with innovative initiatives in the agricultural value chain. Overall, the project will benefit 22,222 households, while indirectly benefitting nearly 90,000 people, in the proposed target areas of Brakna and Trarza regions. 


  • Mauritania

Project Status




Supervising entity

  • AfDB

Call Year


GAFSP Funding Amount



GAFSP Coordination Unit


Project Document