Eighteenth Meeting (2021)
Executive Minutes from the Joint Steering and Donor Committee MeetingLe Succès de la Production Fourragère au Sènègal
Ces dernières années, le Sénégal a été confronté à des périodes de sécheresse qui ont réduit la qualité et la quantité des aliments pour le bétail. À cela s’ajoutent des connaissances techniques insuffisantes sur la production fourragère et l’utilisation non durable de ressources naturelles limitées.In Senegal, GAFSP is Helping Dairy Farmers Boost Milk Supply and Incomes
In recent years, Senegal has grappled with drought diminishing the quality and quantity of livestock feeds. Read the success story of fodder production in Senegal.Trustee Report (September 2021)
Trustee Report on Financial Status of the GAFSP Public Sector WindowTrustee Report (June 2021)
Trustee Report on Financial Status of the GAFSP Public Sector WindowTrustee Report (March 2021)
Trustee Report on Financial Status of the GAFSP Public Sector WindowChanging Lives
Insights into how investments made possible by the GAFSP Private Sector Window help change lives of farmers around the world.Edition 7 | January 2021