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| Impact Stories

Mali's Young Entrepreneurs Get a Fresh Start

The GAFSP-funded Inclusion of Rural Youth in Poultry and Aquaculture Value Chains in Mali project works with CNOP in Mali to support rural youth in creating income-generating activities that foster food and nutrition security. The young entrepreneurs have been provided with technical training, including how to set up an organization, and how to manage the finances for poultry and fish farming value-chains. 

| Impact Stories

Bringing Water back to Honduras’ Dry Corridor

Since 2017, across 25 municipalities of the Dry Corridor, the US$30 GAFSP-supported project has been implemented to bring food and nutrition security to Honduras’ driest areas, reaching more than 12,000 households through the installation of water irrigation technology and climate-resilient agriculture, enabling farmers to provide more nutritious foods for their families as well as for the market. 

| Impact Stories

Building Knowledge to Tap Senegal’s Growing Banana Market

Since bananas are in great demand in Senegal’s cities, many farmers struggle to make ends meet when they cannot be harvested. There is a name for the season during which bananas can’t be harvested: the ‘soudure’. During these times, some households may not be able to afford food, or consume less due to lack of resources.

| Impact Stories

Keeping Bhutan’s Spice Mountains Watered

In southwest Bhutan, 6,500 people have been assisted in increasing the quality and quantity of produce like rice, maize, potato, vegetables, quinoa, citrus, apples, and potatoes, as well as high-value spices such as large cardamom and ginger.

| Impact Stories

Insight Series: Natasha Hayward

Natasha Hayward is GAFSP’s outgoing Program Head. Presenting the first piece in this series, she reflects on her past six years and offers her thoughts on the Program and its future.

| Impact Stories

Banking on Partnerships for a Digital Future

E-Granary, a mobile communication and payment system, creates a virtual space for brokering commercial partnerships and contracts between farmers, buyers, and input dealers while connecting farmers with financial services at low transaction costs. The platform is used by more than 38,000 farmers, almost half of them women.

| Impact Stories

How Investing in the Bigger Picture Has Paid off in ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø

When COVID-19 hit ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø, Rita Brommo was among the smallholder farmers concerned about how the global pandemic would impact their communities. In addition to the health concerns, there was also anxiety about food security and income generation. Without being able to move around to sell produce, how would farmers be able to earn enough money to put food on the table? 

| Impact Stories

Getting Ahead of the Crisis in Lao PDR

Ahead of the UN Food Systems Summit, it is clear that while food systems urgently need to be transformed to better support both human and planetary health, transformed food systems must also be resilient to future shocks. The GAFSP continues to work with vulnerable communities and smallholder farmers like Mo Ya, to safeguard their capacity to withstand the impact of external shocks. 

Public Sector Contact

Ms. Clare Murphy-McGreevey

External Affairs Officer

Based in Washington, D.C.

Private Sector Contact

Ms. Daphna Berman

Senior Communications and Outreach Specialist 

Based in Washington, D.C.